Saturday, March 16, 2013

Getting to know me...

I know all of you know that I am obsessed with Pink and I love to shop but wanted you all to get to know me a little better through some of these questions.

Favorite Movie: Ahhh, I have so many!  One of my top favorite movies would have to be Click with Adam Sandler.  One day we are here and the next day we never know.  Makes me appreciate everyone around me.
Favorite TV Show: I would have to say the Bachelor and the Bachelorette.  I like watching everything from Storage Wars to The Walking Dead.
Favorite Website:  Tie between Ebay and Amazon

Favorite Actor/Actress:  Kate Beckinsale
Favorite Model: Miranda Kerr
Favorite store: I love them all!  I would have to go with Target.  This store gets me in trouble all the time.

Favorite makeup product you cant live without: eyeshadow
Favorite candy: Anything sour

Hobbies/Free time:  I consider blogging my hobby.  I do it because I love it and its fun!

Bad habits: Playing with my hair

Favorite song: This changes constantly but right now I am really digging Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
Favorite beauty gurus: I have like a gazillion: Macbarbie07, DulceCandy, Hello_Cathee, EmilyNoel83, Checkinthemirror, Nicole Guerriero, Missglamorazzi, AprilAthena7, MakeupbyCamila, I can just keep going, there is so much talent out there.
Favorite makeup brand:  Mac is on my top for now but I love trying out everything from high end to drugstore.

School:  I do have brains...I graduated, got my bachelors and my teaching credential and no I do not teach :-(

Favorite Food: Shrimp

Dream job: Fashion Designer

Are you a Makeup Artist: Nope, I just love makeup and trying out new products.

Favorite Season: Hello...Summer!

Favorite Sport: Go LAKERS!  Woot Woot!

When did you start wearing makeup: I was probably about 14 or 15.  I only wore powder, lipliner, lipstick, and eyeliner.

When did you start blogging:  I have blogged off and on for around the past 8 years.  I've had blogs on wordpress and other sites but always end up just giving up or my life was too busy at the time and had to stop but now I am here to stay no matter what!  <3

Who inspires you: my husband, he is the reason I started blogging in the first place.  He also loves to blog, visit his blog (he's an English major so he loves to write)

Can't leave the house without:  my phone

Which part of you do you hate: I will probably do a separate blog on this but I would have to say my nose

Are you camera shy:  Yes, I hate taking pictures of myself.  I like to be the one taking the picture but not being in it.

Can you sing: I want to believe...yes, I sing in my car, shower, work(I feel sorry for my co-workers), and yes I make my own random songs once in a while just about anything.

What place in the world would you like to visit: Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to visit Egypt.  Now I would say Europe.

What states have you visited: Oregon , Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, South Dakota, Hawaii and I live in California.
How do you stay so skinny:  I think its genetics but I'll make a special blog on that. 
Have you ever been bullied: Yes, for being skinny & my nose
How would I describe your style:  Classic yet unique

Do you have Pets: Yes, a poodle and a golden retriever.  Funny thing is that I grew up with poodles and I love them because they don't shed but guess what...I married into a golden retriever home and boy has he blessed us with his furrrr!

Favorite perfume:  This is a tie between my old classic Princess by Vera Wang and my new favorite Pink Sugar.

Any Phobias:  bugs, I hate bugs!

Heals or Flats:  mostly flats, I only wear heals once in a while for work, mostly wear them to go out only.
What would like to be known for:   just being me... unique and simple

Is there anything you would change:  Things happen for a reason and as much as I would like to go back and change somethings, I am happy where I am now and I am who I am now because of the decisions I have made, either good or bad.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment down below and let me know a little about yourself too.

Miss Fely <3
Stay connected:



  1. OMG! I love the movie Click too! So many people I know hate that movie but I don't understand why LOL and I was also made fun of for my nose when I was younger :/ but I think I finally grew into it LOL

    IG: vicky_ut

    1. I've heard so many negative reviews for Click...I guess they don't see the meaning behind it. It is a great movie in my eyes.
      That's great that you've accepted who you are, we should all follow your example.
