Sunday, February 3, 2013

Simple Girl...

I am taking a small break from my closet series to explain where the tittle of my blog comes from.

"A Personal Style of a Simple Girl" 

Growing up I did not have much but I had what I!  I could not wish for a better family than the one I have.  My parents where humble people and still till today are very humble; they only have what they need and are extremely happy with that.  They taught me to be like them as I was growing up.

I consider myself a simple girl because I am like every other girl out there.  I don't always feel like dressing up, I don't wear high heels everyday, and I don't like to pack on the makeup everyday.  I like to be ME no matter my surroundings...

For the most part I hardly ever do buy designer clothing.  I get most of my stuff from stores such as Marshalls, TJ Max, F21 and Ross.  I don't always have the money to buy things as they come out. For the most part I have to watch everyone wear it  while I wait for it to go on sale(not hating).  Trust me I don't mind waiting if it means I am saving $$$ and kudos to those who can or want to spend the money on it.  

I do post a lot of what I buy on sale/clearance on Instagram, user name "MissFely".  I really get exited when I do get something at a great deal and love to share it with all of you so you can also get those deals.  I also follow other Instagramers to get inspired or to find great deals they have found.

It is sometimes hard to share what I like to do for fun because there is a lot of hate and jealousy out there.  Not a lot of the people I deal on a daily basis know that I have a whole room as my closet or that I even like to blog.  Like I've said before I don't like to show off, that is just not me and I don't hate on people who have more than me. 

For the most part I have learned to ignore people...I think it's the best way to go.  I no longer go on my personal Facebook or Twitter for those reasons.  What I don't read or see doesn't hurt me. 

Why I do this blog???  Plain and simple...because I love it and it's fun!  I am not here to get famous or get rich, I am here to express who I am, what I love, and inspire.  I do have my own business which I just started a few months ago and I don't expect it to make me a millionaire but I have fun doing it.  (Check out my website...

The important thing here is that I keep things simple...I have the most important thing a girl could ever have...a loving husband and a family who accepts me for who I am and that is what matters to me the most.


Miss Fely <3
Stay connected:



  1. I know I don't know you very well but from your blog posts, you definitely took after your parents. You are a very humble and generous person. I also get my clothes from Ross and TJ Maxx. In fact, Ross is my favorite store LOL and that's unfortunate that people get jealous and hate. You're blessed to have what you have and don't stop sharing your love for fashion because of haters. :)

    IG: vicky_UT

    1. Awww thank you! You are too sweet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ross! Who wants to pay full price for a shirt when you can get it for like 1/3 of the price at Ross. The way I see it is instead of getting one shirt I get three :D
